Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Technology

Oooh, Ooh, I'm so excited!!  First of all the orders are coming in for Christmas fast and furious.  My and sites are both working while I sleep.  It is great fun to wake up, turn on the computer and check Paypal to see if anyone placed an order!  Other people climb mountains, my adrenalin rush is to get that order to the ups or post office by deadline!  My throat is getting tight just thinking about it, like getting a too strong cup of coffee.

And while working away in the studio on a flower scope last night, I finished listening to  "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.... one woman's spiritual journey....etc...etc... and it was a totally satisfying ending.  I got my new meditation cd from Amazon a full 5 days ahead of expected arrival... love that free super saving shipment.. and can't wait to try it out.  Inspired by Liz's time in India, where she practiced meditation for four months at an ashram, I am taking the plunge to still all those little voices in my head... one voice and one radio station playing at a time, please!

I have also ordered an Epson 810 Artisan Printer for my Mom.  BUT she  is sharing it with me.  I have started to silkscreen text onto metal, via the wonderful guidebook to vintage jewelry making "Semiprecious Salvage" by Stephanie Lee. My setback has been that I've been cursed with a laser printer, and it doesn't seem to put down enough ink to make a photo transfer.  I have wound up with some pretty gnarly stuff, which isn't a bad thing, but would like to get a crisper image transfer.

Mom is going to use the printer to save all her great memories, scan in a mountain of black and whites and send copies to her childhood girlfriend she got to see this fall... both girls are 89 and still full of life!

1 comment:

libbylou said...

what a beautiful picture of your mom. Don't you just love those old hand-tinted photos?