I just want to share my favorite web page which I check every day, specially now that I'm really trying hard to market my web page... it is web stats. This is a free service that will give you a huge amount of information about the hits on your web page. I was able to get it thru my last 2 web hosting accounts, but here is the direct url for this service:
It gives you daily hits, time of day hits, what keywords are getting hits, and hits from other site links. Google also has a free analytics page which is invaluable as well. Just sign up for a google account and from your home page go to Myaccount. From there you can set up your analytics for all of your webpages, including etsy (set up etsy from the etsy side). You can monitor your adwords account and start a blog too. Since I've been working on the hubspot marketing tips from my first blog, my hits have increased by about 30%. I'm still very small potato's, but it feels good, kind of like losing those first 5 lbs of ugly fat :)
Deer mice
Rural as f*ck. That's what Dave says every time he sees me out in the
side-by-side fixing fences, or feeding horses (horses!), or hauling hay.
It's also ...
5 months ago